What is proposed?
With a new signalised junction in place to improve safety conditions along the A39 and funding secured to deliver 16 affordable homes to Somerset Council at our Cricketer Farm development, Strongvox is now pleased to propose delivery of a further 58 new homes at land to the north of Cricketer Farm, including 23 (40%) affordable dwellings, in accordance with the latest Affordable Housing Needs Assessment for the village (February 2023). The proposals would deliver:
- 58 new homes, a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties
- 23 affordable homes for local people
- New ecology planting and open space
- Financial contributions to local community infrastructure
For more information, please visit the Proposed masterplan page.
What stage are we at?
Strongvox Homes is currently preparing a detailed planning application for the site, having sought pre-application advice from Somerset Council.
We have now drawn-up an initial masterplan for Phase Two, which includes an even less dense proposal from Phase 1, marking a transition from Phase 1 into the more rural setting to the north. The new junction built at the A39 will provide full capacity to allow Phase 2 to safely link into the village for pedestrians. The proposal includes the provision of 40% of all homes as affordable tenures – consisting of 23 new affordable homes to complement the delivery of the 16 affordable homes that are under construction in Phase 1. The affordable homes will meet the size and tenure requirements set out in the recently published and updated affordable housing need assessment for Nether Stowey, which identifies a further remaining need for 23 new affordable homes in the village. Before this plan is finalised, we would like to understand what the community think of our proposals and if there are any issues that they would like us to consider.
Find out more
To find out about the proposals, have a look at our masterplan. You can also find more detail about the other issues we have considered by visiting the What issues have we considered? page.
The consultation is now closed, thank you to everyone that contributed their feedback.
Public consultation
April 2023 to May 2023Every residential and business address has been sent an information postcard providing details of how to get involved and have their say on the proposed plans.
Feedback review
May 2023We will review all feedback received as we finalise our plans for the site.
Planning application submission
May 2023We expect to submit a planning application to Somerset Council in May 2023.